Our Story

How it all started...

It all began when a young Irish man, Nathan Nicholson, was connected to ALC in the United States. After his visit and stay in the US, the passion and desire to take this glory back to Ireland began to stir. As he returned to Ireland, God placed him and his now wife, Emma, to lead this movement in Ireland! God opened the door for services to begin being held in their home and the Lord poured out His blessing on these services!

Expanding the vision...

As we continued meeting in our home, the vision continued to grow! We were able to go into the community to serve and evangelize the lost, while seeing lives changed forever! God met us in the streets and in the church - people's lives were being changed every week! We were able to baptize many people and help them along in their walk with Christ. Our next goal and big step for the vision God gave us was to have a building of our own!

Where we are headed...

People are important. Because of this, we are committed to developing godly leaders to further His cause, just as Jesus had a heart to disciple and equip people for life and Christian service. We also purpose to be a positive influence in the world around us by being actively involved in our local community. We are thankful for the building God has provided and can't wait to continue to grow ALC Tullamore for His glory! We are a genuine church that your family can call home!